Integrative Health & Wellness
Front-line healthcare workers are keeping Colorado safe from the Corona virus. These essential people face daily anxiety: Not just doctors and nurses, but also hospital staff in environmental, food, and nutrition services.
Progressive Health Center is a Denver non-profit helping healthcare teams relieve stress and job burnout. PHC is dedicated to the concept of wellness within reach, where mind-body relief is both affordable and available, just a few steps away at the hospital work site.
Show appreciation for the people protecting our health
Help essential workers by donating a PHC Gift Card: Your generous gift will be distributed to a health worker, redeemable as payment for Integrative Health services. Or designate your donation for a loved one or valued colleague.*
Are you on the front line of Colorado healthcare, in need of Integrative Health?
This includes nurses and hospital staff in environmental, food, and nutrition services.
Apply now* for a PHC Gift Card that can be redeemed for Integrative Health services. Or forward this to a colleague.
Support Frontline Healthcare Workers
1601 E 19th Ave #3025 Denver, Colorado 80218 | [email protected]
Want to book an appointment? Services are now offered through Progressive Health, LLC.